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tv   KRON 4 News at 11  KRON  August 30, 2010 10:00pm-10:30pm PST

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. kron 4 has two big stories, sever arrests made in the shooting of a police officer, where authorities found the suspect and what he said about the crimes. first a warning long the bay area coast. new video that show as great white shark swimming close to swimmers. this is where that shark siting happened today. off the waters of the beach in pacif cu. authorities received several reports who said that shark was attacking a sea lion. >> reporter: if you look
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closely you can see the fin of a possible great white shark sticking up out of the water. in this other video you can see the shark again. the video has been slowed down so you can see a sarge devouring a sea lion. >> my husband and i were sitting in our living room and he just kind of yelled. i see a shark. i am guessing to the size of a 16-foot boat. i saw it come up and out of the water. and a spew of blood in the air. something that you would see on tv on the discovery channel. >> reporter: what makes you sure it was a great white? >> the size of it, the speed. >> reporter: she also saw the
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shark. she noticed a big splash in the water. >> you see it coming out of the water and a lot of blood. ran up and down the beach. people over here were closer in so everyone got out within a few minutes. >> reporter: police posted these shark sighting signs. in pacif cu, reggie kron 4 news. the recovery of the police officer who was shot by a suspect last week. that officer is still in the hospital today. authorities chaptured the suspect. kron 4's dan reports, police say the suspect had some help. >> police say andrew barrientos, seen here smiling on saturday near the mexican boarded admitted to shooting todd young.
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>> we had two detectives interview andrew barrientos. during the interview he gave admissions to the shootings. >> reporter: police say following the friday shooting a multi agency man hunt ensued. with authorities just steps behind as he made the journey to san diego county attempting to cross the boarder. >> couple of breaks on saturday that gave us the information he was near the boarder. the information we are passing out to law enforcement was very instrumental in making the arrest. everybody had his picture and were looking for him. >> reporter: the boarder had been closed for a half hour when he showed up. when he did, he wasn't alone. [inaudible] was with him and he is now been arrested for helping andrew
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barrientos escape. [inaudible] was also arrested on saturday for accessory after the fact. >> anytime you are assisting somebody escape you are actually just as guilty as critting the crime. >> reporter: we spoke to the da, they say formal charges we can expect later this week. dan, kron 4 news. >> officer todd young remains in critical but stable condition tonight. surgery yesterday afternoon was successful but we will have to undergo additional surgeries next week. they used 60 pints of blood and that has led for a higher demand for blood donations. this is the red cross blood center where many from all over were coming in today to give
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blood. some entire departments are getting involved, giving employees time off to donate. the officers know they are supporting one of their own. >> when a shooting happens in the law enforcement community, it could happen to any of us, it's important knowing, you know, coming down and making sure, making an effort to help out. i know that the same would be done for me. >> the red cross is accepting any type of blood in officer young's name in any of its centers. facebook fan page has been created to help officer young's cause. they are encouraging more people to donate blood in his honor. we have a link on
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a warning for students, officials say a if you grade student was approached by a man in a car. the man is described as white, 55 years old with blond hair, driving a large white convertible. big changes to the weather forecast this week, starting tomorrow, fog long the coast right now, but as we head into tomorrow, the winds coming from the north will knock the fog out. it will be pushed down south and by noon, gone. even along the coast, plenty of sunshine, this leads to a warm up as warmer air builds in. by 3:00 much warmer. upper 80s inland but this is
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just the start of it. >> new, police are on the virt a the suspect responsible for a chain of act said of vandalism, you can see the damage done to the windows of the naacp offenses. this happened on sunday. earlier in the month somebody shot a pellet gun at the building. investigators are trying to find out if they are related. police are patrolling the area. a flight was forced to return to lax after the pilot reported a bird strike. it took off from los angeles tonight. the pilot radioed in the flight. there were no reports of injury
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or damage. thieves creating a dangerous situation for pg&e and for san francisco residents. somebody is steeling copper wiring from underground power stations. we have a look at the damage done when kron 4 news returns. hmm, do i wear hats? i could wear hats, if i partook in hat type things (birds chirping) like strolling in an orchard ♪ is this my husband? awesome
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cool hat, mom oh my perfect kids alright fourteen ninety nine i totally wear hats ♪
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in tonight's headlines, two men who flew from chicago to amsterdam are under investigation because of the items in their checked bags, a cell phone taped to a bought, a knife and box cutter. some report that the two were preparing for a terrorist attack. hurricane earl is a category four storm. the 135 miles per hour winds and heavy rain caused flooding and mud sidelines on some islands. cruise ships have been
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rerouted. the hurricane could reach the u.s. by thursday. joe biden arrived in dag bad today. he will -- in baghdad today. he is trying to push iraq's leaders to end a stalemate. we are in for another heat wave this week. i will have details in a few minutes. @
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saving money. and like baseball people love their stats. i started bringing my lunch to work -- 50 bucks a week in my pocket. here's a good one: state farm insures 40 million drivers. more than geico and progressive combined.
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i saved because i'm accident-free. of course, with so many ways to save including discounts of up to 40%, having that many customers shouldn't be a surprise. so ask a neighbor about state farm, then call an agent at 1-800-state-farm or go online. now for a look at other stories covered by our news crews. >> reporter: police are investigating a rash of copper left its. nearly a dozen in the past months. thieves broken in to pg&e underground vaults and cutting away sections of this copper
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wire. the crooks risk being eelectrocuted. the thieves have disrupted to nearby customers. >> reporter: a sewage spill could be worst than originally estimated. the repairs are complete but there is concern over how much sewage was spilled. now officials are saying the number may be a low estimate. the clean up work is all done and cleaning up the lagoon may be left to sun light. >> reporter: in san francisco, muni drivers have to pay $80 a month to park their cars at bus yards here. this was the memy, telling them the city will start charging in december. officials say they need to find
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ways to close the budget gap and charging drivers will bring in $3.5 million a year. >> reporter: [inaudible] is still waiting to see if del or hp will purchase them. while they wait, the consumers is expected to be the winner in the long run. the fog is already starting to move in. wanted to tell you the fog will get pushed down to the south. i can show you here, 6:00 the fog south of the golden gate, the winds coming from the north will push it down and out of
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the bay area. 10:00 the fog being pushed back to the coast line. as we continue to see the reversal in the winds, the fog gets knocked off shore and out of the bay area. 3:00, clear skies. we will also see warmer air, temperatures are going warm up, 85 in santa rosa, 73 richmond. these temperatures close to average, where we should be. upper 80 inland. 66 half moon bay. notice all these 70s, we will stay cool in the morning but once it's cleared out temperatures warm. big time warming. a look at the extended forecast, this is the start, wednesday and thursday, look at the temperatures, looks like it
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gets warmer than expected. triple digits on thursday. another warm week for us, but heat advisories haven't been issued yet. the economic troubles are putting increasing stress government antipoverty programs. an analysis finds that 1-6 people is getting one or more kinds ovoids. 50million americans are on made cade. that's up, at least 17% since the recession started in december of 2007. more than 40 million people get food stamps. that's an increase of 50%. close to 10 million receive
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unemployment, 4 times the number from 2007. benefits have been extended 8 times beyond the basic 26 week program, enabling the long term unemployed to get 99 weeks of benefit. they peeked at 12 million in january. this chart chose the change in 2007. medicaid is the costly us, but unemployment shows the biggest increase in dollar amount. consumer spending rose more than expected in july. that is a sign the economy may avoid slipping back into a recession. president obama will address the nation tomorrow about iraq. we will carry the speech live at 5:00 p.m. and stream it live on the a's are in the big
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apple taking on the yankees, gary has highlights straight ahead and the giants catch a bad break against the rockies, they suffer one of the toughest losses of the season. gary is up next with sports.
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[ male announcer ] when meg whitman arrived at ebay, they had 30 people and an idea. meg's job was to make it happen. it took leadership. focus. and the ability to bring people together. meg whitman delivered. named one of america's best ceo's by harvard business review, she grew ebay 15,000 strong and made small business dreams come true. now meg has a plan to create jobs. fix sacramento. and deliver results. meg whitman. for a new california.
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all right. the giants got punched in the gut tonight or punched themselves. tim lincecum, long toss, having trouble so they tossed the football around. barry zito's invention. here is buster posey, throwing out eric young, jr. to the fourth. pitching rules the day. posey brings home huff, giants
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1-0. sanchez was great tonight. runner on first, wilson on in relief. broken bat to right field, ross misplays it. one swing of the bat, game is tied. throw gets away, gonzalez scores, rockies 2, giants 1. padres lose tonight. all the teams in the race lost tonight. wildcard, the giants stay a game and a half back and the philadelphia phillys lost to the dodgers. tough one tonight. tonight real tough one for the giants, losing to colorado. a's playing with the big boys. donald trump and the spin stops here, part of the crowd. tushareo goes deep. cahill came in with hopes, 4
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inning, 9 hits, 8 runs, worst outing of the year. jeter makes that play better than anybody. jump throw. times, thank you. alex rodriguez has been injured. but jackie, he and kate hudson, she moving -- no, no, cameron diaz -- >> you were about to guest blasted. >> camera diaz moved furniture into his place in new york. you like him. >> i used to like him before he turned into -- >> yeah. can i introduce you to marcus times. the yankees are really good. a's 8-1/2 back of texas. manny ramirez joining the white sox. roger clemens sticking to his
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old story that no, i never took steroids. what has him in trouble is congress thinks that he lied to them and they are talking about a serious prison sentence, 30 years. 30 years, please. okay. the deal is, if you wait for roger clemens to say can i do what mark mcgwire did and say sorry. jury selection set to begin in april. they are taking him to the limit. the new raider quarterback, saturday night versus the raiders he was injured. guy with the long hair? looks like stallone. back on the practice field today, should be all right and
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probably will play thursday against the sea hawks. >> welcome back gary and good night everybody. baccalaureate. correct. [ audience groans ] since this competition has been continuing for 48 hours and we have yet to eliminate anyone, it is the decision of this board to declare all 20 contestants winners. you have all competed admirably. admirably. a-d-m-i-r-a-b-l-y. admirably. [ male announcer ] at&t is making high speed internet affordable for only $14.95 a month with select services. at&t. rethink possible.
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with select services. i even bought her a computer with my new citi forward card. then one day... have you seen this? she "friended" me. there's a whole album. [ laughs ] [ groans ] and started posting pictures. ♪ and tagging me. publicly. [ male announcer ] you ought to be rewarded for being dependable. the citi forward card gives you extra points for paying your bill on time and staying within your credit limit. [ woman ] nice tights. what's your story? the citi forward card can help you write it.


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